Settings API#

  • Base endpoint: /ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1: since Nextcloud 19

Set userΒ΄s settings#

  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /settings/user
  • Data:
field type Description
key string The user config to set
value string/int The value to set
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 200 OK When the value was updated
      • 400 Bad Request When the key or value was invalid
      • 401 Unauthorized When the user is not logged in

User settings#

Note: Settings from calls_start_without_media onwards can not be set via above API. Instead, the server API POST /ocs/v2.php/apps/provisioning_api/api/v1/config/users/{appId}/{configKey} needs to be used.

Key Capability Default Valid values
attachment_folder config => attachments => folder Value of app config default_attachment_folder Path owned by the user to store uploads and received shares. It is created if it does not exist.
read_status_privacy config => chat => read-privacy 0 One of the read-status constants from the constants list
typing_privacy config => chat => typing-privacy 0 One of the typing privacy constants from the constants list
play_sounds 'yes' 'yes' and 'no'
calls_start_without_media config => call => start-without-media '' falling back to app config with the same name 'yes' and 'no'
blur_virtual_background config => call => blur-virtual-background 'no' 'yes' and 'no'

Set SIP settings#

  • Required capability: sip-support
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /settings/sip
  • Data:

    All values must be sent in the same request

field type Description
sipGroups array List of group ids that are allow to enable SIP for a conversation
dialInInfo string The dial-in information shown in the sidebar and sent in emails
sharedSecret string The shared secret of the SIP component
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 403 Forbidden When the user is not an admin

App configuration#

Note: All app configs are stored as string in the oc_appconfig database table. Arrays and objects are therefor JSON encoded, integers are casted to string and booleans are replaced with 0/1 or no/yes strings.

When available the dedicated UI or OCC command option should be used to configure the setting rather than directly manipulating the database.


  • Hash - Whether the changing the config changes the Talk version hash triggering clients to refresh capabilities
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ - UI option in the admin settings available
  • πŸ’» - Dedicated OCC command available
Key Internal type Default Hash Option Valid values
allowed_groups string[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ List of group ids that are allowed to use Talk
sip_bridge_groups string[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ List of group ids that are allowed to enable SIP dial-in in a conversation
start_conversations string[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ List of group ids that are allowed to create conversations
federation_allowed_groups string[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ πŸ—οΈ Work in progress: List of group ids that are allowed to invite federated users into their conversations (everyone when empty)
hosted-signaling-server-account array {} No πŸ–ŒοΈ Account information of the hosted signaling server
stun_servers array[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒπŸ’»οΈ List of STUN servers, should be configured via the web interface or the OCC commands
turn_servers array[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈπŸ’» List of TURN servers, should be configured via the web interface or the OCC commands
recording_servers array[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ List of recording servers, should be configured via the web interface
signaling_servers array[] [] Yes πŸ–ŒοΈπŸ’» List of signaling servers, should be configured via the web interface or the OCC commands
signaling_mode string
internal or external or conversation_cluster
internal Yes internal when no HPB is configured, external when configured, conversation_cluster is an experimental flag that is deprecated
sip_bridge_dialin_info string Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ Additional information added in the SIP dial-in invitation mail and sidebar
sip_bridge_shared_secret string Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ Shared secret allowing the SIP bridge to authenticate on the Nextcloud server
signaling_ticket_secret string Yes Secret used to secure the signaling tickets for guests (255 character random string)
signaling_token_alg string
ES256, ES384, RS256, RS384, RS512 or EdDSA
ES256 Yes Algorithm for the signaling tickets
signaling_token_privkey_* string * Yes Private key for the signaling ticket creation by the server
signaling_token_pubkey_* string * Yes Public key for the signaling ticket creation by the server
hosted-signaling-server-nonce string No Temporary nonce while configuring the hosted signaling server
hosted-signaling-server-account-id string No Account identifier of the hosted signaling server
matterbridge_binary string No Path to the matterbridge binary file
bridge_bot_password string No Automatically generated password of the matterbridge bot user profile
default_attachment_folder string /Talk No Specify default attachment folder location
start_calls int 0 Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ Who can start a call, see constants list
max_call_duration int 0 No Maximum duration of a call in seconds, 0 for unlimited. Federated calls will be terminated based on the setting of the host server. Calls are ended via a background job, so system cron should be used and calls will last a bit longer (until the next execution of the cron).
max-gif-size int 3145728 No Maximum file size for clients to render gifs previews with animation
session-ping-limit int 200 No Number of sessions the HPB can ping in a single request
token_entropy int 8 No Length of conversation tokens, can be increased to make tokens harder to guess but reduces readability and dial-in comfort
default_group_notification int 2 No πŸ–ŒοΈ Default notification level for group conversations constants list
default_permissions int 246 Yes Default permissions for non-moderators (see constants list for bit flags)
recording_consent int 0 Yes πŸ–ŒοΈ Whether users have to agree on being recorded before they can join the call (see constants)
grid_videos_limit int 19 No Maximum number of videos to show (additional to the own video)
grid_videos_limit_enforced string
yes or no
no No Whether the number of grid videos should be enforced
changelog string
yes or no
yes No Whether the changelog conversation is updated with new features on major releases
has_reference_id string
yes or no
no Yes Indicator whether the clients can use the reference value to identify their message, will be automatically set to yes when the repair steps are executed
hide_signaling_warning string
yes or no
no No πŸ–ŒοΈ Flag that allows to suppress the warning that an HPB should be configured
calls_start_without_media string
yes or no
no Yes Whether participants start with enabled or disabled audio and video by default
breakout_rooms string
yes or no
yes Yes Whether or not breakout rooms are allowed (Will only prevent creating new breakout rooms. Existing conversations are not modified.)
call_recording string
yes or no
yes Yes Enable call recording
call_recording_summary string
yes or no
no No Whether call recordings should automatically be summarized when a transcription and summary provider is enabled.
call_recording_transcription string
yes or no
no No Whether call recordings should automatically be transcribed when a transcription provider is enabled.
sip_dialout string
yes or no
no Yes SIP dial-out is allowed when a SIP bridge is configured
federation_enabled string
yes or no
no Yes πŸ—οΈ Work in progress: Whether or not federation with this instance is allowed
federation_incoming_enabled string
1 or 0
1 Yes πŸ—οΈ Work in progress: Whether users of this instance can be invited to federated conversations
federation_outgoing_enabled string
1 or 0
1 Yes πŸ—οΈ Work in progress: Whether users of this instance can invite federated users into conversations
federation_only_trusted_servers string
1 or 0
0 Yes πŸ—οΈ Work in progress: Whether federation should be limited to the list of "Trusted servers"
conversations_files string
1 or 0
1 No πŸ–ŒοΈ Whether the files app integration is enabled allowing to start conversations in the right sidebar
conversations_files_public_shares string
1 or 0
1 No πŸ–ŒοΈ Whether the public share integration is enabled allowing to start conversations in the right sidebar on the public share page (Requires conversations_files also to be enabled)
enable_matterbridge string
1 or 0
0 No πŸ–ŒοΈ Whether the Matterbridge integration is enabled and can be configured