Bots and Webhooks#

Base endpoint is: /ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v1: (requires the bots-v1 capability - available since Nextcloud 27.1)

Webhook based bots are available with the Nextcloud 27.1 compatible Nextcloud Talk 17.1 release as a first version


For security reasons bots can only be added via the command line. ./occ talk:bot:install --help gives you a short overview of the required arguments, but they are also explained in the OCC documentation.

Signing and Verifying Requests#

Messages are signed using the shared secret that is specified when installing a bot on the server. Create a HMAC with SHA256 over the RANDOM header and the request body using the shared secret. Only when the SIGNATURE matches the request should be accepted and handled.

Sample PHP code:

$digest = hash_hmac('sha256', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_RANDOM'] . file_get_contents('php://input'), $secret);

if (!hash_equals($digest, strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_SIGNATURE']))) {

Receiving chat messages#

Bot receives all the chat messages following the same signature/verification method.


Header Content type Description
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_SIGNATURE [a-f0-9]{64} SHA265 signature of the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_RANDOM [A-Za-z0-9+\]{64} Random string used when signing the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_BACKEND URI Base URL of the Nextcloud server sending the message


The content format follows the Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary.

Sample chat message#
    "type": "Create",
    "actor": {
        "type": "Person",
        "id": "users/ada-lovelace",
        "name": "Ada Lovelace"
    "object": {
        "type": "Note",
        "id": "1567",
        "name": "message",
        "content": "{\"message\":\"hi {mention-call1} !\",\"parameters\":{\"mention-call1\":{\"type\":\"call\",\"id\":\"n3xtc10ud\",\"name\":\"world\",\"call-type\":\"group\",\"icon-url\":\"https:\\/\\/nextcloud.local\\/ocs\\/v2.php\\/apps\\/spreed\\/api\\/v1\\/room\\/n3xtc10ud\\/avatar\"}}}",
        "mediaType": "text/markdown"
    "target": {
        "type": "Collection",
        "id": "n3xtc10ud",
        "name": "world"
Path Description One of the known attendee types followed by the / slash character and a unique identifier within the given type. For users it is the Nextcloud user ID, for guests and email invited guests a random hash value. The display name of the attendee sending the message. The message ID of the given message on the origin server. It can be used to react or reply to the given message. For normal written messages message, otherwise one of the known system message identifiers.
object.content A JSON encoded dictionary with a message and parameters key. The message can include placeholders and the Rich Object parameters are rendered into it in the chat view.
object.mediaType text/markdown when the message should be interpreted as Markdown. Otherwise text/plain. The token of the conversation in which the message was posted. It can be used to react or reply to the given message. The name of the conversation in which the message was posted.

Bot added in a chat#

When the bot is added to a chat, the server sends a request to the bot, informing it of the event. The same signature/verification method is applied.


Header Content type Description
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_SIGNATURE [a-f0-9]{64} SHA265 signature of the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_RANDOM [A-Za-z0-9+\]{64} Random string used when signing the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_BACKEND URI Base URL of the Nextcloud server sending the message


The content format follows the Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary.

Sample request#
    "type": "Join",
    "actor": {
        "type": "Application",
        "id": "bots/bot-a78f46c5c203141b247554e180e1aa3553d282c6",
        "name": "Bot123"
    "object": {
        "type": "Collection",
        "id": "n3xtc10ud",
        "name": "world"
Path Description Bot's actor type followed by the / slash character and a bot's unique sha1 identifier with bot- prefix. The display name of the bot. The token of the conversation in which the bot was added. The name of the conversation in which the bot was added.

Bot removed from a chat#

When the bot is removed from a chat, the server sends a request to the bot, informing it of the event. The same signature/verification method is applied.


Header Content type Description
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_SIGNATURE [a-f0-9]{64} SHA265 signature of the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_RANDOM [A-Za-z0-9+\]{64} Random string used when signing the body
HTTP_X_NEXTCLOUD_TALK_BACKEND URI Base URL of the Nextcloud server sending the message


The content format follows the Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary.

Sample request#
    "type": "Leave",
    "actor": {
        "type": "Application",
        "id": "bots/bot-a78f46c5c203141b247554e180e1aa3553d282c6",
        "name": "Bot123"
    "object": {
        "type": "Collection",
        "id": "n3xtc10ud",
        "name": "world"
Path Description Bot's actor type followed by the / slash character and a bot's unique sha1 identifier with bot- prefix. The display name of the bot. The token of the conversation from which the bot was removed. The name of the conversation from which the bot was removed.

Sending a chat message#

Bots can also send message. On the sending process the same signature/verification method is applied.

  • Required capability: bots-v1
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /bot/{token}/message
  • Header:
Name Description
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Random The random value used when signing the request
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Signature The signature to validate the request comes from an enabled bot
OCS-APIRequest Needs to be set to true to access the ocs/vX.php endpoint
  • Data:
field type Description
message string The message the user wants to say
replyTo int The message ID this message is a reply to (only allowed for messages from the same conversation and when the message type is not system or command)
referenceId string A reference string to be able to identify the message again in a "get messages" request, should be a random sha256
silent bool If sent silent the message will not create chat notifications even for users
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 201 Created When the message was posted successfully
      • 400 Bad Request When the provided replyTo parameter is invalid or the message is empty
      • 401 Unauthenticated When the bot could not be verified for the conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation could not be found
      • 413 Payload Too Large When the message was longer than the allowed limit of 32000 characters (or 1000 until Nextcloud 16.0.1, check the spreed => config => chat => max-length capability for the limit)
      • 429 Too Many Requests When 401 Unauthenticated was triggered too often

Reacting to a chat message#

Bots can also react to a message. The same signature/verification method is applied.

  • Required capability: bots-v1
  • Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /bot/{token}/reaction/{messageId}
  • Header:
Name Description
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Random The random value used when signing the request
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Signature The signature to validate the request comes from an enabled bot
OCS-APIRequest Needs to be set to true to access the ocs/vX.php endpoint
  • Data:
field type Description
reaction string A single emoji
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 201 Created When the reaction was created successfully
      • 400 Bad Request When the provided emoji was invalid
      • 401 Unauthenticated When the bot could not be verified for the conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation or message could not be found
      • 429 Too Many Requests When 401 Unauthenticated was triggered too often

Delete a reaction#

Bots can also remove their previous reaction from a message. The same signature/verification method is applied.

  • Required capability: bots-v1
  • Method: DELETE
  • Endpoint: /bot/{token}/reaction/{messageId}
  • Header:
Name Description
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Random The random value used when signing the request
X-Nextcloud-Talk-Bot-Signature The signature to validate the request comes from an enabled bot
OCS-APIRequest Needs to be set to true to access the ocs/vX.php endpoint
  • Data:
field type Description
reaction string A single emoji
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 200 OK When the reaction was deleted successfully
      • 400 Bad Request When the provided emoji was invalid
      • 401 Unauthenticated When the bot could not be verified for the conversation
      • 404 Not Found When the conversation or message could not be found
      • 429 Too Many Requests When 401 Unauthenticated was triggered too often