Signaling API#

  • Base endpoint for API v1 is: 🏁 Removed with API v3: Nextcloud 13 - 21
  • Base endpoint for API v2 is: 🏁 Removed with API v3: Nextcloud 21 only
  • Base endpoint for API v3 is: /ocs/v2.php/apps/spreed/api/v3: since Nextcloud 22

Get signaling settings#

  • Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /signaling/settings
  • Data:
field type Description
token string The conversation to get the signaling settings for
  • Response:
field type Added Description
signalingMode string v1 See Signaling modes
userId string v1 Current user id
hideWarning string v1 Don't show a performance warning although internal signaling is used
server string v1 URL of the external signaling server
ticket string v1 Ticket for the external signaling server
stunservers array v3 STUN servers
turnservers array v3 TURN servers
sipDialinInfo string v2 Generic SIP dial-in information for this conversation (admin free text containing the phone number etc)
helloAuthParams array v3 Parameters of the different hello versions for the external signaling server.
- STUN server
field type Description
urls array Each element is a STUN server URL as a string
- TURN server
field type Description
urls array Each element is a TURN server URL as a string
username string User name for the TURN server
credential string User password for the TURN server
  • Response:
    • Status code:
      • 200 OK
      • 404 Not Found

Internal signaling API#


External signaling API#

See External signaling API for the Signaling API of the High-performance backend.